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Are you ready to pay less interest on your mortgage and lower your monthly payments?  Or do you have high-interest debt you’d like to consolidate to a lower rate?  A refinance may be the right step for you.

What is a refinance?

There are two main types of refinance loans:

  1. Rate & term: A rate-and-term refinance changes the interest rate, the term—or both the rate and the term—of an existing mortgage without advancing any new money.
  2. Cash out: A cash-out refinance is a way to access cash by replacing your current mortgage with a new, larger loan. A cash-out refinance allows you to pay off high-interest liabilities and potentially lower your total monthly debt payments.  A cash-out refinance requires you to have equity in your home (typically, at least 80%).

If you want to explore your refinancing options, we can help you determine what’s most beneficial for your scenario.

Have questions?  Give us a call!  One of our mortgage specialists would be happy to answer all of your questions.

**Lift Home Lending is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of FHA, VA, USDA or the Federal Government.

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